BEST OF Never Mind Comedy Show Tickets

2800 Danforth Avenue, Toronto


The Best of Never Mind Comedy for Gilda’s Club Greater Toronto is back.  Once a year, the little show that could busts out of its small, intimate theatres and into the bright lights of a legit comedy showroom.  Proceeds from this event benefit an organization that ensures people can live, while living with cancer. We also gather in this goofy way to keep Gilda Radner’s name synonymous with comedy.  

Featuring : 

Kristeen Von Hagen @kvonhagen
Laurie Elliot  @laurieelliot
Arthur Simeon  @arthursimeon
Judy Croon @judycroon  
Chuck Byrn @chuckbjokes  

Host: Anna Gustafson  @goosegustafson

$44 online, $54 at the door.


Comedy Bar Danforth is an accessible venue with an elevator to basement level. Accessible washrooms are located on both levels.
The use of smoke machines and strobe, flashing lights or lasers may occur during performances.

Scheduled Events

Event Location:
2800 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4C 1M1