Fabio Rabin - Ladeira abaixo Tickets

2800 Danforth Avenue, Toronto





“Ladeira abaixo” é o nome do sétimo show solo de Comédia Stand up de Fábio Rabin.

Esse show de comédia fala sobre as desesperadas tentativas de um homem para reconquistar sua esposa, após alguns vacilos…

Viagens internacionais, um encontro com os atores do “De Volta Pro Futuro”! E até mesmo, a busca em alto mar por uma baleia! Será que tudo isso trará o perdão de sua esposa?

O show também conta sobre os quarenta anos na vida de um homem, onde alguns gostos mudam, prioridades novas aparecem, além de dores, pelos, rugas, unhas podres, flatulências… e tudo isso é esmiuçado pelo olhar clínico de um comediante que prefere levar a vida, em todas as fases, de forma mais leve, sendo otimista e positivo. Inclusive, eu mesmo pedi uma aspas dele:

“Daí pra frente é só Ladeira Abaixo…”


"Downhill" is the title of Fabio Rabin’s seventh solo stand-up comedy show.

This comedy show explores a man's desperate attempts to win back his wife after some wavering... It includes international trips, a meeting with the actors from “Back to the Future,” and even a deep-sea search for a whale! Will all these efforts lead to his wife's forgiveness?

The show also delves into the experiences of a man in his forties, where tastes change, new priorities emerge, along with pains, hair loss, wrinkles, decaying nails, and flatulence. All of this is examined through the comedic lens of someone who prefers to take life lightly, with optimism and positivity. As Fabio Rabin himself says:

“From then on, it’s just Downhill…”


Wearing a mask is recommended, but not mandatory.
Comedy Bar Danforth is an accessible venue with an elevator to basement level. Accessible washrooms are located on both levels.
The use of smoke machines and strobe, flashing lights or lasers may occur during performances.

Scheduled Events

Event Location:
2800 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4C 1M1