A comedy show featuring award winning comedian and keynote speaker...
Kate Davis!
Kate is on a mission to create a feeling of inclusion and belonging through her keynote speaking and stand up comedy. And host Jo Baker has some inspiring and fun science to back it! Plus we'll have two opening acts and some freebies for all!
Are you or someone you know having a rough ride lately? You are not alone! A lot of people are going through PTSD from the pandy on top of it being depression season. So now is the BEST time to watch comedy! Laughter IS medicine, there’s TONS of science to prove it, and we have the BEST doctors in the house!
Join us at the brand new gorgeous Comedy Bar East on the Danforth and get some good medicine! This is a standup comedy show not a ted talk, so don't worry, it's going to be a blast!!!
$25 cover
Near Dawes
About the main act:
Kate Davis has been on the scene for over 20 years, she has 12 Canadian Comedy Award nominations including the Phil Hartman award. She has a one hour special on CTV and The Comedy Network. She can also be heard on Sirius XM, CBC’s Laugh Out Loud and The Debaters. She has two comedy albums and a book!
Through her interactive keynotes and customized workshops Kate teaches people how to lighten up so they can bring balance, connection and resilience into their busy lives. Speaking on stress management through stand-up, storytelling and practical techniques she has researched and developed. With over 2 decades of experience, thousands of shows and conferences, this award-winning comedian leaves people feeling energized, optimistic and motivated.
About the producer:
Jo Baker has been producing comedy since 1999 including 13 years running the Underground Comedy Club. She presently produces shows all over the GTA including the one and only Comedy Bar!